Friday, August 14, 2009

rhombusversary in advance

so it has been brought to my attention, by myself that is, that i am coming up on a year of rhombus shows. this has kind of been blowing my mind.

i am super pumped that the hydeaway has been doing well and serving it's purpose in our music community over this last year now. i remember in our meetings and stuff talking about how we didn't want it to just kind of disappear after a few months. it's been almost a year and more and more sweet shows are coming up. oh hydeaway, one of the greatest things i have ever been a part of.

and not just there, but in other venues and doing other things, i think about some of the amazing talent that i have gotten to work with. doing my own shows tons of sweet local talent, and upcoming amazing folk like library voices, absent sound, the rural alberta advantage, laura barrett and more. working on other shows with foundation and working with sweet people like patrick watson, the bell orchestre folk, joel plaskett and his dad, and tv on the radio and the dirty projectors. awesome.

me and raymond b. had a little discussion at the recent famines show, and he asked how big i would be comfortable in getting, as far as promotion and stuff goes. honestly, i have no idea. all i know is that i get to keep working with amazing people, talented people, and people that in general have a love for what they are creating. i like to keep it positive, and as long as things are staying posi, then i'll keep on doing what i am doing.

please note that closer to october i'll do some sort of summary of rhombus shows and thoughts and all that kind of jazz. please note that there are some amazing shows coming up this fall that i'm masterminding. oh i can't wait...

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